Say hello to our first Pet of the Month, Taj! He’s been coming to Lyndale Animal Hospital for many years, and we all love him to pieces.

Here is what is mom, Kavitha, has to say about him:

“Tajjy is a little old Shih Tzu who just celebrated his 15th birthday. I’ve had him since I was 11 years old and he’s gotten me through many a hard time. Not only did this boy save me from myself during dark times as a teen, he has brought joy to so many children as he has come to work with me for the last 7 years as a nanny and a short time as a preschool teacher. He got me through adolescence, high school, college, and now adulthood! He is a true warrior puppy. If you met him, you’d have a hard time believing how much spunk and personality he holds on to. He has only one eye now, which doesn’t do much other than keep him looking real cute, after having the other eye removed when he was 11 because he got mad and scratched it out a week before the cataract removal surgery. He’s been hospitalized for pancreatitis, he can sometimes have seizures but thank you Zonisamide, and last year before the holidays he had an emergency laminectomy spinal surgery after losing control of his back legs. He still can’t walk, but he’s a persistent little guy, and we got a stroller so he’s still happy. He is best known for faking sick to get brought in to Lyndale Animal Hospital to see his favorite Dr. Koppy, it’s happened many times. She just makes him so happy. He is also the reason our family got another Shih Tzu, our current work family is getting a Shih Tzu puppy in the coming months, and a close family friend gets one at the end of the summer! They all credit Taj for these exciting new adventuress. He’s pretty great and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone to not like him, and there’s probably a few kids around South Minneapolis that would love to tell you all about him.”

Thank you, Taj, for being out very first Pet of the Month! Want to nominate your own pet? Head to our Facebook page to keep an eye out for a nomination post at the end of each month!